Couple Pieces of Exciting New Tech

A couple of new pieces of technology have caught my radar recently.  One is Valve’s Lighthouse Tracking System. This technology may replace the 10-30,000 dollar tracking systems that presently exist and remain an expensive selling …

New HMD Comparison

It seems that these days new Head Mounted Displays (HMDs) are being released every month or so, with their cost rapidly declining since the days from 2004-2006 when I worked with one in graduate school. Overall, …

Posted in HMD

Don’t Forget The Fundamentals

A big project I’m currently involved with is developing an out of core point cloud renderer for the vizHOME project.  This application enables viewing of LiDAR scanned homes within our C6-CAVE as well as the …


Welcome!  The website is meant to serve as a location to share various thoughts and excerpts from a virtual reality researcher and software developer.  I have been employed at the University of Wisconsin Madison’s Living …