Unity3D Gotchas

In my opinion, Unity has emerged as a near standard for most VR development these days. While in general I don’t have a whole lot of bad to say about Unity, I have recently come …

Dual GPU Usage

A nice bonus we came across recently at the lab was how Windows 8.1 handles system setups with 2 GPUs. Since the beginning of our lab, our CAVE machines have each had 2 GPUs in …

The Black Art of Projectors

Projectors that accompany immersive display systems often times are not the easiest pieces of machinery to operate.  Sure, turning them on and obtaining an image is simple, but at least for the projectors we have, …

Cruising Along

Over the past year, I proudly welcomed a new addition to my family – Weston William Tredinnick.  Now that we’ve attained a pretty smooth routine with him and he’s sleeping well – I’ll be aiming …

Couple Pieces of Exciting New Tech

A couple of new pieces of technology have caught my radar recently.  One is Valve’s Lighthouse Tracking System. This technology may replace the 10-30,000 dollar tracking systems that presently exist and remain an expensive selling …


Welcome!  The website is meant to serve as a location to share various thoughts and excerpts from a virtual reality researcher and software developer.  I have been employed at the University of Wisconsin Madison’s Living …